India’s insurance regulator, Insurance and Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has decided to hold Open House for all regulated entities.
It said the Open House is intended to invite suggestions from all the regulated entities for achieving the overall objective of increasing insurance penetration in the country and to work towards resolution of impediments hindering the process.
The open house will be held at the head office of IRDAI at 3pm on 15th of every month, if it happens to be a holiday, the open house will be held at 3 pm on next working day. IRDAI said Chairperson, IRDAI and, in his/her absence, the senior most Whole-time Member along with senior officials of IRDAI will be present.
IRDAI said all the regulated entities are requested to make use of this initiative to interact with the Chairperson,Whole-time Members and senior officials of IRDAI and offer pragmatic solutions to reduce significant insurance penetration gap in our country.